Who We Are
Why T2
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Accident investigations are conducted to find facts, not faults. The ultimate outcome is to prevent future incidents.
Back injuries result in significant losses to both employees and employers each year. Training and common sense will prevent most back injuries.
First Aid is the initial response and assistance to an accident/injury situtation.
Proper claims management helps lower the cost of claims.
Safety protocols from ergonomics and electrical safety to emergency evacuation and life safety.
Preventing and controlling violence in the healthcare workplace.
An overview of hazard identification and practical solutions.
Fires can affect any type of industry or environment – offices, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, hospitals, etc.
Foodborne illnesses can be easily spread. Proper preparation and handwashing can help prevent infections.
Statistics, Hazards, and Proper Use Tips
Most injuries can be prevented by wearing the correct protective equipment—gloves, guards, forearm cuffs—for the work being done.
A basic review of standards and practices for development and use of Haz Com Programs in the workplace.
OSHA requires a hearing conservation program in workplaces that havecontinual (8 hours) noise levels over 85 decibels.
Creating a risk management-based interview process.
Job observation combined with a thorough evaluation of the machines and environment provide a holistic approach to workplace safety.
Basic safety rules and procedures for controlling hazardous energy.
An overview of the requirements for machine guarding in the workplace.
Machines and devices can simplify a task, but also bring their own hazards to the operation.
Regulations requiring PPE and common applications.
Employers must provide an effective Exposure Control Plan and training as required by the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.